If you are a parishioner of St. Matthew / OLPH Church your child must enroll and attend CCD in order to be eligible to play CYO.
The Parish of St. Matthew / OLPH will combine the 3rd grade teams and the 4th grade girls’ team beginning this season.
Practices will start the week of October 11, 2015 at either Hastings High School or OLPH School Gym in Ardsley.
Season Opens Saturday November 21, 2015.
CYO: $300.00 single child and $400.00 family.
Checks made payable to either St. Matthew CYO or OLPH CYO.
Registration for ALL Grades 1 through 8:
St. Matthew / OLPH School in Hastings on Monday September 28th from 7-9 for grades 1-5 & Tuesday September 29th from 7-9pm for grades 6-8
OLPH / STM School Gym in Ardsley on Wednesday September 30th from 7-10pm – all grades 1-8
If you have any concerns please contact Sharon Dosin, dosin@optonline.net or Frank Rotiroti, rotiroti@optonline.net or Vince Phelan, vphelan@barneys.com