We received the following message from the Archdiocese regarding the Coronavirus and Preventive Measures we are being asked to follow.
In light of the developments in the past twenty-four hours concerning the “community” spread of the coronavirus in New York, the Archdiocese has been advised by Dr. Walid Michelen, ArchCare’s Chief Medical Officer, to upgrade our advisory concerning measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
ArchCare strongly recommends, and the Cardinal agrees, that the following measures should be implemented by Pastors as long as this threat continues:
Holy water fonts should be emptied, cleaned and refilled on a regular basis.
The sign of peace should be exchanged without physical contact.
Distribution of the Precious Blood of Christ from the Chalice to the faithful should be suspended at this time.
Given the frequency of direct contact with saliva in the distribution of Holy Communion on the tongue, every consideration should be made by each individual to receive the host reverently in open hands for now for the protection of all. Ministers are reminded to use anti-bacterial solution before and after distribution of Communion.
Sickness is a valid reason not to attend Mass and other church gatherings. Anyone who is ill or has flu-like symptoms should be urged to stay home.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is broadcast on several television channels; the sick can make “spiritual communion” until they return to good health.
We will continue to monitor this developing situation and will provide updates as we receive them.