The Parish Council met on October 21 at the St. Matthew Church rectory. Pat Lancellotti was introduced as a new member of the council. Fr. Henry reported that restoration work continues at the OLPH School building following flooding from Ida. The council reviewed the parish's financial report through July 2021. Collections remain consistent and expenses are on par with projections. A small deficit is projected for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2021. Joe Muldoon reported that the St. Matthew rectory roof repairs are just about completed. Irene Newman reported that enrollment continues to grow in religious education each week. Alexandria Stroud reported that the Liturgy Committee is working on a number of programs, including the All Souls Day Mass on November 2 and an Advent Retreat scheduled for December 6-7. The reception for Fr. Thomas has been planned for November 14. Bryan Healy reported that the parish's turkey bingo is scheduled for November 20 and that the Christmas Concert will return this year - date to be announced. The council received an update on the painting of St. Matthew Church; the drawings are ready to go out to bid. Responses should be received by the next meeting. The annual election of officers was also held; Tom Milton, Joe DiSalvo and Bryan Healy were reelected unanimously as chair, vice chair and secretary, respectively. The next meeting will be Nov. 18 at 7 p.m.