A meeting of the Parish Council was held on April 25, 2024. Finance Council Chair Tom Milton reported that collection income has increased compared to this time last year. Fr. Crawford reported to the council that 48 students are scheduled to make their First Holy Communion on May 11. Preliminary steps are being taken to schedule the waterproofing work for St. Matthew Church. New fencing has been installed along the St. Matthew rectory driveway and for the air conditioning units. Fr. Crawford has secured light fixtures for St. Matthew Church which were last used in a church in Manhattan that has since closed. It is hoped that once the waterproofing work and lighting work is complete, the next phase will be repainting the interior of St. Matthew Church. An update on the potential housing at St. Matthew School was provided; talks are still very preliminary between the developer, parish and Archdiocese. Meetings have been scheduled with religious education parents to discuss the changes to the program starting next year. Parishioners are welcome to contact Fr. Crawford or Bryan Healy with any questions or concerns to address.