January 27th Update: Wednesday class is full! There are still a few openings for the February 1st class. Please call the rectory to register.
As many of you may be aware, the parish has installed external defibrillator (AED) machines in each church. These machines are able to provide a shock to bring the heart back into rhythm in the event of a cardiac episode.
The parish is offering two courses to teach parish members CPR/AED training, in the unlikely event one of these machines would be needed. Both classes will be held at OLPH Church in the downstairs hall. The first class will be on January 29th from 6 to 9 PM and the second class will be on February 1st from 9 AM to 12 PM.
These courses are open to any parishioner who is interested in learning, but there is a limit to 10 people per class. Classes will be filled on a first come basis.
Thanks to the generosity of American Red Cross Instructor Angela Reeve, the course is being taught pro bono. If you desire a certificate for work or other purpose from the American Red Cross, there is a cost of $30.
If you would like to register for one of the training classes, please call the rectory at 914-478-2822.
Any other questions, please contact Bryan Healy at bthinhoh@aol.com.