The Parish Council met on November 16, 2023. Elizabeth Heilakka and Paul Perillo were introduced as the newest members of the Parish Council. Stephanie Bonney, the parish's new coordinator of religious education, provided an overview of the program to the council and how the year is progressing. Fr. Crawford reported that the CYO basketball season opened earlier this month with a Mass at St. Matthew and a pep rally at the Hastings High School gym. Fr. Crawford informed the council that Fr. George Lodi, a recently retired priest of the Archdiocese, will be moving into the rectory at St. Matthew after Thanksgiving and assisting with the saying of Mass, communion calls, confessions, etc. Fr. Crawford also shared that the parish's goal for the 2024 Cardinal's Annual Stewardship Appeal has increased slightly. The parish was able to exceed its goal in 2023, so hopefully we can do so again next year. About 80 Stocking Stuffer raffle tickets have been sold; the parish needs to sell 100 raffle tickets to break even. Everyone is encouraged to purchase a ticket or ask friends and family members to purchase a ticket. Fr. Crawford met with parishioners interested in the Altar Society on November 7; a core group of volunteers is currently being formed. The coffee hour at St. Matthew is going well; it will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of most months after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The OLPH coffee hour is also going well and it is being held on the 2nd Sunday of the month after the 10 a.m. Mass. The next parish council meeting is scheduled for December 14th. Parishioners are welcome to contact Fr. Crawford or Bryan Healy with any questions or concerns to address.