The November meeting of the Parish Council was held on November 18th. Joe Muldoon reported that work has been done on the exterior doors at OLPH Church. An issue with the roof drain near the tower at St. Matthew Church has been identified and will be addressed. Irene Newman reported that religious education classes continue in-person at St. Matthew and online at OLPH. Alexandria Stroud reported that the All Souls Day Mass was a nice commemoration. The Advent Retreat is scheduled for December 5. Bryan Healy reported that the Foodtown Gives Back program has raised approximately $2,400 this year. Current number of registered families in the parish is approximately 925. The Turkey Bingo is scheduled for November 20 at OLPH Church. The Christmas Concert is scheduled for December 19 at St. Matthew Church. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on December 16th at 7 p.m. at the St. Matthew Church rectory.