The Parish Council met on July 21st at St. Matthew Church Rectory. Tom Milton, Chairman, reported that the finances are on track, despite the increase in repairs and maintenance. The Council Committees provided updates since the last meeting. The Council is obtaining estimates to repair the bell tower at Saint Matthew and the HVAC for the Church and rectory. Renovations have begun in the rectory. The doors at Saint Matthews have been completely restored, and a new sign has been added to indicate the Mass times. New windows will soon be installed at the rectory. Please note that the rest room at Saint Matthew Church is closed during the week. The Parish Picnic will be September 11th. Another CPR class will be planned. Father Crawford invites our parish youth to become Altar Servers. Father Crawford reported that our insurance company has reimbursed the misappropriated funds. After Labor Day, Eucharistic Adoration will begin at St. Matthew following the 9am Mass on Fridays and will end at 12 noon. Our next meeting will be September 15th at 7pm at Saint Matthew Church Rectory.