The financial report for the 2020 fiscal year is in this week’s bulletin. Collections are on track and are even a little bit better than what was expected. The parish can still expect a deficit of approximate $80,000 to $90,000. The roofs at St Matthew Church & Rectory were inspected and a comprehensive report was generated. The sidewalk in front of St. Matthew’s Church will be examined as certain areas are worn. The Education and Youth Ministry program is trying to ramp up some programming. Virtual programming is being planned for the time being. Peace & Social Justice held a meeting last week with Archdiocesan officials and the Sisters of Charity Housing Corp. Information on Ash Wednesday will be forthcoming – it will look different than past years due to Covid 19. Approximately 800 people watched the Christmas Masses via live stream (Facebook and You Tube). Thank you to the ushers who put in a lot of work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.