The September 2021 meeting of the Parish Council was held on September 16th in the rectory meeting room at St. Matthew Church. Fr. Henry provided an update on the preparations to repaint St. Matthew Church. OLPH School suffered severe damage from Hurricane Ida; it is not able to be used at this time. Repairs are being coordinated. Religious education students in Ardsley will start their classes online for the time being; students in Hastings start this weekend in-person. Tom Milton provided a financial update; all expenses and revenues remain on par with projections. Bryan Healy reported that outreach to parishioners without contact information on file had limited success. Lee Kinnally reported that the picnic had to be cancelled due to the damage at the school. The annual election officers and constitution amendment vote were postponed due to the lack of a quorom. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 21, at 7 p.m.