Saturday, December 19, 2015, 7:30pm: "In the Moon of Wintertime" - The program features medieval, renaissance and contemporary Yuletide selections, including O magnum mysterium by Cristóbal de Morales; the rarely performed Dime el Camino by Emilio Dublanc; Eleanor Daley’s haunting setting of The Huron Carol; Jeff Enn’s Da Pacem; and John Tavener’s The Lamb. Joining Angelica is guest artist Rex Benincasa on percussion.
ST. MATTHEW CHOIR Anyone who would like to sing in the St. Matthew Choir is welcome to come and join us on Sunday’s. Practice begins at 11:15 am and then the choir sings at the 12 noon Mass. No experience is necessary! Questions, see Alice in the Choir Loft.
Because the parish does not have a parish council yet, the rescheduling of masses will not happen until after the council is formed. The council will be asked to analyze and adjust the mass schedule. However the 6:45 AM daily mass in Hastings will be cancelled. The last 6:45am Mass will be on December 31st. The rest of the changes will come around Easter.
St. Matthew Altar Society The Altar Society will host a pre-Thanksgiving Bake Sale in the rectory meeting room on Saturday, November 21st before and after the 5:00 pm Mass and before and after all the Masses on Sunday, November 22nd. The Altar Society will also be selling 50/50 raffle tickets and the drawing will take place on Sunday, November 22nd after the 12 noon Mass. Donations of home made baked goods, which can be delivered Saturday after 4pm and on Sunday before all Masses would be greatly appreciated.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS We are about to begin a new group for the RCIA, “The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. If you, or someone you know is not baptized, and would like to participate in a process leading to Baptism on Easter Sunday, please contact Fr. Henry in the next two weeks.