As a result of this winters snow storms the steps at St. Mathew’s as well as the area in front of Our Lady of Perpetual Help School are in disrepair. We are waiting for the estimates for the repairs, from three different companies.
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass for couples married 50 years during 2017 will be celebrated on Sunday, June 11, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral at 2 pm. His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be the principal celebrant. Pre-registration is required. Each couple registered will receive a ticket good for entry for 3 people (couple plus 1 guest) which is needed for entry. Additional non-ticketed seating is available for families & guests. Please call the rectory to register. Closing date to register is May 12. This event is sponsored by the Family Life / Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York.
Next Saturday morning, March 18th, at 10:30am at St. Matthew’s in the downstairs meeting room, Fr. Paul Tolve, I.V. Dei will meet parishioners who are interested in prison ministry. Fr. Tolve is the Director of Pastoral Care for the Westchester County Dept. of Corrections. He will be able to inform us about the needs and how we can support this important ministry.